Last Updated on December 27, 2024 by Jan Barley

How to Master Your Money Mindset That Helps You Attain Wealth & Keep It
If you can master your money mindset, there is nothing stopping you from achieving the life of your dreams.
Have you got a subconscious financial ceiling? If so, are you aware of how it could hold you back from financial freedom? It can even cause self-sabotage when your income increases.
In November 2023, after a tricky year with client work, I finally understood what I wanted from my working life.
Mostly, I figured out what I didn’t want.
The Solution
I recently watched YouTube videos by Dr Benjamin Hardy regarding his book “10X is Easier than 2X.” The principle is that it’s easier to achieve massive goals than it is to master small incremental goals.
Hmmm, OK, let’s see how that works then.
I wrote down a huge financial goal for 6-12 months time. It was approximately ten times my average monthly income. Immediately, I felt uncomfortable. I started trying to work out how to protect that money, how much tax I would pay and other such logistics.
Seriously, I went into a total tailspin.
I began adding this financial goal to my journaling on my morning and evening affirmations. At first, the discomfort increased. My logical mind thought it was ridiculous, “How are you going to “earn” that sort of money when you can’t even find consistent work?” Yep, my logical mind is sceptical, and I was surprised by its negative attitude!
Then, a surprising thing happened.
My mind began cooperating.
You Can Increase Your Income Ceiling
Suddenly, the gigantic figure began to feel achievable, as if it wasn’t a lot of money, and I no longer felt the discomfort. I stopped thinking about “how” I could possibly make that much money (note I said “make” and not “earn“) and continued with my daily affirmations.
Then, in May 2024, an opportunity popped into my eyeline and immediately ticked all the boxes. On closer inspection, the skills I will learn from this DFU business will undoubtedly give me the potential to create financial freedom.
I’ve set up the business, watching the training and experiencing many ah-ha moments. The sense of calm and certainty has prevailed. It feels like there is no rush because I have the “knowing” it will happen now.
I tapped into the digital marketing space because by 2027, experts suggest it will generate $3 billion in sales.
The Money Mindset Exercise
You can either work with a like-minded buddy or alone. The objective is to test at what financial figure you become uncomfortable.
If Working With A Buddy
- Initially, set a 10X figure for the future, but don’t focus on it yet
- Have your friend say a figure, such as starting with $3,000 a month.
- Close your eyes and tune into your body
- Take your time
- How are you feeling? OK, or uncomfortable?
- Repeat: Your friend increases the monthly income figure by $1000 (or your chosen denomination)
- Notice at what point you start feeling a bit edgy. When you do, that’s the first figure to work on for the next few days or weeks until you get past the discomfort.
- Work with your friend as often as possible and write affirmations that include the bigger financial figure.
- The objective is to work up to the 10X figure and be 100% comfortable imagining having that much money.
If Working Alone
I’ve found writing the big financial goal more impactful. Looking at the number seems to trigger more of a response than thinking about it.
- Using the same method as working with a buddy, write a figure you are comfortable with, such as $3,000 a month.
- Find the spot where you start feeling uncomfortable.
- Write in your journal daily, using affirmations for the financial figure.
- You can go a bit bigger or go the whole hog. For instance, if $5,000 a month makes you uncomfortable, you could write affirmations for $10,000 a month.
- Alternatively, cut out the middle bits and go straight to the 10X figure, such as $25,000 a month and keep working to that amount.
I’ve provided alternative ways to work because we are all different. I prefer working to $25,000 a month from the get-go. My friend liked working incrementally. Whatever you choose doesn’t matter, so long as you stick with the process.
It took me about a month before I was 100% comfortable with the 10X figure. For you, it could be days, weeks or a few months. It depends on how often you do the exercise. I would recommend daily practice to smash through your financial ceiling fast.
We are often unaware that we have a financial ceiling because we trundle along in our comfort zone. Even if we struggle for money, it’s what we’re used to.
This income ceiling is why lottery winners eventually lose the lot. Their financial ceiling is so fixed that their subconscious continually works to reset the status quo.
I hope that helps. I find this subject fascinating, and I’m excited to see how it works for you in opening the flow to financial abundance.
You might enjoy the Mastering Your Money Mindset Guide, which is a digital workbook that teaches you how to start building lasting wealth.
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