Last Updated on August 2, 2024 by Jan Barley

Step Away From the System That Traps You Into Believing You Must Live And Act A Certain Way
To achieve manifestation success, we must step away from the stereotypes and norms that society tells us we must adhere to. Walk your own path. Be individual. Be unafraid to do things differently.
Pendulums cannot bear individuality. They rely on their adherents to stay in line, stick to the rules, and follow the common rules.
Most people follow the masses – a great way to get stuck in a societal pendulum.
Most people are afraid.
Don’t be afraid. Or do, but embrace the fear. Think of it as excitement. The brain cannot differentiate the physiological response.
When you first “step out”, all hell might break loose. People you love may get snarky about your individualism. They’re in the pendulum. They want to feel safe – they think they are safe there – and can’t do that if you rock the boat.
Once you make headway, the pendulums have a change of heart. They recognise a star in the making and want a piece of the action. People want to be near you. They want to know how you succeeded and hope they can catch a piece if they are near you.
Claim your privileges. You decide what they are.
Don’t let anyone tell you who you are or that you need to be perfect.
You do not.
You need only to be yourself.
That’s it.
Initiate your own game. Invite others to play. Don’t play their game. It’s not fun. It won’t get you what you want. Or it will, but it will come at a price.
Go for it.