Do you remember the fantastic film “Cool Runnings?” In the movie, one character, Yul Brenner, says to another, “Junior Bevell. Look in the mirror, and tell me what you see.”
Herein is the problem.
Your entire life is a mirror for every thought, belief and action taken. The problem is that we believe in our physical reality.
No money in the bank? Well, that’s real, Jan. Stop telling me it isn’t.
Cold, hard facts drive your reality, and those facts get you more of what you don’t want.
Moreover, from the moment you were born, the world told you how to be and think. Our brain is like a sponge during the first seven years of childhood. We absorb everything as a truth. Later, we may begin questioning facts but still trust the physical world to tell us how it is.
Maybe, as a teenager, you might rebel. Still, you’ll always comply only with what you can see. Nobody taught you to design your life. You just went along with everything like everyone else does…
Unless you’re a lovely rebel…
Reality Transurfing
In Vadim Zeland’s epic 780-page book Reality Transurfing, the author details the mirror principle. He says we must turn our conditioning on its head and stop believing in physical reality, what we can see.
Instead, look at the mirror image of your life. Look at what you created and start visualising a new image.
Live it. Breathe it. Imagine it.
Ignore it when physical reality smacks you around the face and says, “Wake up, you donut. The Law of Attraction doesn’t work. Grow up. Live in the real world!”
If we are all vibration and energy and connected to the source (we are), then it’s more a matter of reconnecting to the flow of abundance.
- Focus on 2-3 things you want to manifest (always add “or something better”)
- Remind yourself why you want these things. How will it contribute to your life? How will you feel when you have manifested them? Who else will it affect?
- Imagine the daily lived experience of having those things.
- Imagine standing in front of a mirror with your newly created reality and seeing the physical things YOU manifested.
- Notice when you move from doubting to feeling and then knowing.
Imagine driving the car, sitting in the new house, holding hands with a doting partner or feeling happy when you look at your healthy bank balance. Embrace your manifestation fully, knowing it is in the flow of abundance, and your job is to assume it is yours, and all you need to do is choose what you want.
When you reach stage five, even if you cannot see your manifestation in your reality, TRUST that you have manifested it – or something better – and it IS on the way. Hold the “knowing” until it arrives.
In conclusion, be aware when you doubt or wonder how your manifestation can materialise. That’s not your job. If you asked for a million-dollar house and have only $1000 in the bank, it’s the universe’s job to sort the deets.