Last Updated on August 2, 2024 by Jan Barley

Pendulums Have Power. Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Pendulum. Often, you are in one Without Knowing
In the epic 700-page book Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland, the author states that pendulums can negatively affect our ability to manifest our reality in the way we want.
Pendulums are thought structures created within corporations, political parties, religious movements, cults, large groups of people, and families.
The concept of pendulums is when a group of people are brought together energetically with the same thoughts. It creates a vibration of collective consciousness that we easily get swept into. For instance, the church is a pendulum, with the leaders encouraging their patrons to adhere to a fixed way of thinking within Christianity.
Observe political parties during an election. Campaigning politicians and their minions thrive on the power of pendulum influence by trying to sway people into their way of thinking, luring them with promises of policy changes and improvements to local services, etc.
Pendulums are not necessarily harmful to us – although, in many cases, they are – but awareness of them can help you avoid being pulled into one unknowingly.
It’s impossible to avoid pendulums altogether, as they are the fabric of many aspects of our lives. However, as a manifester, it’s essential to develop self-awareness to prevent the influence of a pendulum that could suppress your efforts at manifesting your dream life.
Reality Transurfing
In Vadim Zeland’s book, he encourages us not to be afraid of pendulums. Yes, they are powerful, but we must shape our thinking to learn how to use pendulums for a positive purpose and ignore them if they have the potential to be harmful or disorienting.
Pendulums can affect your ability to manifest.
The strength of a pendulum grows with the energy of its followers. The vibration becomes powerful as the thought energy creates a higher frequency for the pendulum. At some point, it develops an unstoppable momentum.
Here’s a thought. Think back to 2020 when the government first announced the Covid-19 pandemic. At first, nobody took it seriously. After all, we’d never experienced a pandemic, so we had no framework for how it might develop and affect our lives.
After the first lockdown, the pendulum began building. Then, as governments rolled out vaccinations and announced thousands of deaths daily, the world’s energy and vibration became locked onto the pandemic.
Upon the announcement of the shortage of toilet rolls, the bloody world went mad, fighting in the supermarkets over toilet paper.
Suddenly, the pandemic became real, and the world focused on the problem.
With more deaths globally – all of us knowing someone in our circle – the pendulum’s momentum was in full swing. There wasn’t a day the world news didn’t remind us of the impact of Covid-19.
Amid the anti-vaccination and conspiracy theories, pendulums gained momentum over the months.
Covid-19 was the biggest pendulum since the last war.
Then, somehow, in time, the Covid pendulum began to slow down. People stopped wearing masks, fewer people were dying, and supermarket shelves were replenished. Society’s thoughts turned to other things, and eventually, the pendulum died.
Stop Giving Energy to the Pendulum
Pendulums are hungry beasts. They need thought energy and vibration to survive. A pendulum needs a constant flow of adherents to sustain momentum. A destructive pendulum, such as a cult, will force its agenda onto its adherents until they forget they have minds of their own.
The news media is the worst protractor for pendulums. It broadcasts fearful messages daily to the masses, causing people to fret and worry about world problems and the future.
If you buy into the media, you engage with a pendulum that wants and needs your energy and gets lots of it without much effort. You’re a good person. You worry about people starving in the world, those at war, and dogs dumped in the streets or ill-treated by humans.
I’m not saying you stick your head in the sand and ignore the hungry media, but be aware of where and how you give your energy and thoughts. Divert worry into action and let the energy go. Don’t feed the pendulum. It will bite you.
The media is flooding us with stories of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it will take millions of jobs by 2030. If you start worrying about it, you’ve fallen into the pendulum.
Instead, look at your current skills and assess if you could benefit from additional training. It’s one of the reasons I shifted into affiliate marketing. After several years of consistent writing work, I noticed a lack of open positions and hundreds of applicants for open roles. I found it more challenging to find work. So, I diverted my skills instead of falling into the energy of Facebook pendulums of writing groups where they’re all fretting about the lack of work. I also joined a done-for-you business, which pays 70% commission.
Everything is Energy
Everything is energy. Thoughts become things as we springboard into action from our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. That which we resist persists, so as long as you fight a pendulum, you give it energy. It will keep swinging, pulling more people in to help it thrive. Ignore it, and it will leave you alone.
Make a list of all the pendulums you can think of, but here are a few to consider:
- Pharmaceutical industry – the biggest money-making corporations worldwide. Are they genuinely concerned about the nation’s health, or do they want to sell the most profitable drugs?
- Football matches – fans get swept up in the collective energy of team supporters
- Mass public events – like Glastonbury in the UK
- Political – enough said on that
- Religious groups
- Extended families
- Criminal gangs
- Wars
How to Avoid Getting Caught in A Pendulum
Whether you fight for or against something, you give energy to a pendulum. The only way to extinguish pendulums is to care neither way and let go of strong feelings or beliefs, whether positive or negative.
Pointedly ignoring a pendulum gives it energy, so admit to the existence of a pendulum in your life. If you’re feeling angry, unsettled, fearful or resentful but don’t know why, explore the presence of a pendulum.
After identifying a pendulum, the next step is to develop indifference. Even when you feel its pull, shrug it off without giving it mental energy. Disinterest will eventually collapse the pendulum because it cannot sustain momentum without the energy of its adherents.
Is It Easy To Shake Off A Pendulum?
Probably not, because we aren’t aware when we get caught up in one. As you develop awareness of pendulums, you might be surprised how many exist. Of course, they’re not all harmful, but you can differentiate between positive and negative pendulums with awareness.
I got caught in a “loneliness” pendulum after my fiancé died in an accident in 2020.
You’re at your weakest during grief, and over a few years, I spiralled into a malingering depression, believing I would be alone forever and would never find anyone again as unique as my fiancé. It’s only recently I realised I’d become trapped by a pendulum, often fed by other widows and how society negates grief.
Become curious rather than judgemental. Acknowledge your thoughts and allow them to dissolve. If you feel emotional, remain curious and detached as you observe your emotions. That way, you don’t get caught up in the game that pendulums play.
Pendulums are part of the fabric of life. We cannot avoid them, but we can prevent them from overly influencing our lives. Now you are aware of their presence. You have the tools that most of society simply do not have. Most would deny the presence of pendulums because they have become conditioned to their place within the pendulum and, even if they’re miserable, quite enjoy the stability of familiarity.
Reality Transurfing is a challenging book to read. It has a lot of repetition, although that’s necessary to absorb the content entirely. However, it’s a book I will keep forever and reread many times. The first reading is the hardest, and I’m excited to dip back in now that I understand Reality Transurfing on a deeper level.
Zeland has another book, Transurfing in 78 Days — A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality. It’s more of a glimpse of Reality Transurfing, and I understand it better after reading Reality Transurfing.